Friday, September 9, 2016


There is nothing that American white privilege racist fear more than the truth about the lack of morality, integrity, and character. I often hear those who have no experience of another man's life believing that they can define the man. The teaching of the "race" lie has left many people in this country without the important emotion for sanity, empathy. On Fox News, Megen Kelly wonder how could it be possible that Colin Kaepernick has no allegiance to the men who fought and died for this country. My question to her is where is the allegiance to black families who received nothing, fought wars, worked free, and made this country wealthy? The Americans believe that blacks owe the flag more than the flag owes black people. Are these arrogant people thinking that without equality and justice for black people that the flag is more important than personal pain?  This is racist arrogance. Many white Africans forget that America is not equal or just, and it provides entitlements for people in this country who have white skin. These parasites become very angry when they hear a black man who does not speak for the racist white skin lies. This scenario is presented to us as if it a condition of skin color that separates the white "race" from the human family. This insanity leaves them without a biological foundation. We are taught to be ignorant enough to buy into the skin game that teaches the stupidity that when brains are wrapped with black or brown skin that the brains are damaged.

The goal is to believe anything that promotes their social acceptations. They are the last people to enter civilization who are ready to murder and destroy minds to protect the white skin fantasy. There are many tools in place to control and destroy sapiens understand that the source of livelihood for the descendants of the slaveholders are basedy on the thinking, and logic of the people. Americans know the power of indoctrination. The white hijmo on mind control and lies. Thinking America is always in danger of media character destruction or worse. There is a lot that is said about "rhetoric, radicals, or liars when we hear the truth. Americans are deeply offended when the victims of racism can articulate the pain of this evil. The racist continue to treat the victims of racism like they are children or chattel.

This game teaches us that white skin is smart skin causes us to be stupid enough to follow everything that we are told to do by the media. We have learned to believe, obey, and follow. We allow the media bimbos to explain to us what they want us to believe. We are so mentally destroyed that people who are working with two jobs and sleeping under bridges are voting with policies for billionaires. This stupidity has the need to maintain many lies. Fear of exposure is related to the extreme hatred toward the people who the racist fear, and who can expose the truth. The reality is that we are now a country full of idiots. We are told what to believe, and will never learn how to think. I am not a believer,
I want to know.