Thursday, June 23, 2016

The American rigged voting establishment is fixed. People in this country are willfully destroying any chance for equality and justice. There are those who are supposed to be the leaders, who are disregarding a safety net for the least among us while increasing welfare for the wealthy. The middle class and poor are expected to continue the struggle for survival while the wealthy receive four-hundred times more in salary than others. The 2016 presidential election does not address this problem. Bernie Sanders, who replicates the old Democratic party, was completely pushed to the side of the criminal, Hillary Clinton. The Democrats selfishly ignored the voters. Donald Trump is selected to assure the coronation of Hillary Clinton. Hillary was wiped out today with the deliverance of her record from Trump. The crooked Dems Could not stand to see the coverage that exposes her crime. They staged a sit in in the congress to change the subject. This patch will not work. There will be more times for Trump and others to expose her. My dream would be for both Trump and Hillary to lose, Perhaps Bernie can become the president for the people.
The democrat has lost all credibility as a party for the people. When they
decided that Hillary Clinton was more suitable for the problems of the middle class, and poor, this exposed them to the awareness that they are only interested
in self-interest.

I have lost all respect for the people who are in power and with the duty to help the poor and middle class. When they selected Hillary Clinton over Barney, this told me how dirty they are. Poor people are hungry and they are giving away the last chance that black people have for any trace of hope. These old style Democrats have moved so far to the center that they are Republicans. They  are ignorant enough to think that they will have an open door for Hillary, but she will throw them all under the bus. They are lacking a very important part of being leaders. They are poor judges of human character. 

I am glad to see these two criminals go after each other. The dumb democrats
chose a criminal instead of a candidate who is for the poor. Now they expect
people to do as they wish and vote for the chameleon Hillary. I don't care anything
about her gender issue. I am a black woman and I am not a media bimbo who sits on their behinds and earn thousands of dollars.
The American rigged voting establishment is fixed. People in this country are willfully destroying any chance for equality and justice. There are those who are supposed to be the leaders, who are disregarding a safety net for the least among us while increasing welfare for the wealthy. The middle class and poor are expected to continue the struggle for survival while the wealthy receive four-hundred times more in salary than others. The 2016 presidential election does not address this problem. Bernie Sanders, who replicates the old Democratic party, was completely pushed to the side of the criminal, Hillary Clinton. The Democrats selfishly ignored the voters. Donald Trump is selected to assure the coronation of Hillary Clinton. Hillary was wiped out today with the deliverance of her record from Trump. The crooked Dems Could not stand to see the coverage that exposes her crime. They staged a sit in in the congress to change the subject. This patch will not work. There will be more times for Trump and others to expose her. My dream would be for both Trump and Hillary to lose, Perhaps Bernie can become the president for the people.
The American rigged voting establishment is fixed. People in this country are willfully destroying any chance for equality and justice. There are those who are supposed to be the leaders, who are disregarding a safety net for the least among us while increasing welfare for the wealthy. The middle class and poor are expected to continue the struggle for survival while the wealthy receive four-hundred times more in salary than others. The 2016 presidential election does not address this problem. Bernie Sanders, who replicates the old Democratic party, was completely pushed to the side of the criminal, Hillary Clinton. The Democrats selfishly ignored the voters. Donald Trump is selected to assure the coronation of Hillary Clinton. Hillary was wiped out today with the deliverance of her record from Trump. The crooked Dems Could not stand to see the coverage that exposes her crime. They staged a sit in in the congress to change the subject. This patch will not work. There will be more times for Trump and others to expose her. My dream would be for both Trump and Hillary to lose, Perhaps Bernie can become the president for the people.

There are many people in this country who are hungry. How dare
Americans are so insane. We all saw the two white police murder Freddie Gray.
The level of mind destruction cause us not to believe out eyes. The media
have so much control over our minds that we only know to do what we are told.
I refuse to allow others to remove my ability to think. I know that I know what I know.
I know not to believe anything that people who despise me, tell me without thinking

I hate dealing with people who are more Ignorant than I am. White people received the best education that inequality and injustice offer, but nothing has worked. Many of these arrogant people are very fatuous, and with the sense of entitlement. They clean their dirty faces with denial. The only way that they maintain these lies is to pretend some level of kindness. They pretend to be so repulsed with a “racist remark.” Yet they completely ignore the core of racism, equality a...
June-5 2016
The establishment is cheating for Hillary in every possible way. It does not
matter that she is being investigated. What about the Clinton Foundation?
This is where the corruption will be found. This woman is a thief. She cannot wait to get into Africa.
The Democrats are making a big mistake. The leaders think that they can do anything they wish and the future will remand the same. These people know that Hillary is not for the poor. What does that say about them?
The late Democrats are ready to place someone in the white
house that is not for the poor. I think the Dem will live to regret this arrogance.

We are taught that there is something wrong with allowing a safety net for poor America.  The same people who have fought and died in American war by a larger percentage than other groups, are the people who are the most mistreated in this country.   People who built this country, have done the most laborious labor, and are then denied  justice and equality. Many have people in this country work more than  one job, but cannot feed their families. We have been taught  reverence for anyone who is wealthy and cruel. We have no consideration for a safety net for the poor.  We are a country of people who are so mindless that we are ready to embrace a chameleon like Hitler. Hilary Clinton is evil rolling down the hill and picking up all the trash to carry with her.  She will destroy the Democratic party and many other institutions.  The desire of the Olagarcy is to continue status qua.  The  willingness of the establishment to continue lower wages and the destruction of the poor is met without any resistance.  America has made one big mistake. The Television news media are no longer the only source of information. Web sites, like the “Little Turks” have billions of followers. The effort to hide the criminal activities of Hillary is going to be impossible. Once the middle class and poor understand the willingness of the dems to ignore the poor for the wealthy, the democrats will loose party members.

We are taught that there is something wrong with allowing a safety net for poor America.  The same people who have fought and died in American war by a larger percentage than other groups, are the people who are the most mistreated in this country.   People who built this country, have done the most laborious labor, and are then denied  justice and equality. Many have people in this country work more than  one job, but cannot feed their families. We have been taught  reverence for anyone who is wealthy and cruel. We have no consideration for a safety net for the poor.  We are a country of people who are so mindless that we are ready to embrace a chameleon like Hitler. Hilary Clinton is evil rolling down the hill and picking up all the trash to carry with her.  She will destroy the Democratic party and many other institutions.  The desire of the Olagarcy is to continue status qua.  The  willingness of the establishment to continue lower wages and the destruction of the poor is met without any resistance.  America has made one big mistake. The Television news media are no longer the only source of information. Web sites, like the “Little Turks” have billions of followers. The effort to hide t

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